Hello, dear readers!
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support and share a little bit of my story with you. It wasn't always an easy one, but God knew what He was doing the whole time. I pray that he continues to work through me and through my books. And as amazing as it would be to sell millions of copies and spread the Word, I will be just as happy changing the life of the one person who needs to read any of my books.
My journey started out with a longing so fierce that I didn't know what to do with it. Writing isn't smart; it isn't a reasonable job. Being an author isn't realistic. All of it. That's what I grew up hearing. I don't blame anyone for any doubt--they're right. Nothing about this is smart. However, after many failed jobs and years of beating myself up for being a failure at life, the switch in my heart was flipped. I can remember laying in bed one night, begging God to show me what to do. In an instant, an entire book series sprung to the front of my mind.
I spoke with my husband and told him what I felt God was telling me. He thought it was a great idea and said that he would support me. A few weeks later I quit the job I was currently working and the two of us agreed that I would take 1 year to finish my first book. Well, I did.
I was so excited. Who cares about publishing? How many people can say that they wrote a book? I was over the moon and only had one question for myself: self-publish or traditional? I wrestled with that question for a while, not knowing what to do. Did I go out on my own and risk failure? Or did I sit and wait for someone to pick up a first time author with no connections?
I got my answer after devoting myself to prayer one night. My husband came home early the next morning and told me he was fired. I had my answer. I reached out to the only person I could think of for help, a fellow author Elizabeth Johns, and she hooked me up with a cover artist. The artist in turn introduced me to a proofreader. I knew my book wasn't perfect, but it's all I had to offer. I could only hope that God would do great things with it.
I went on like that, releasing one book a year. Then, 2020 hit.
We were all on lockdown--not that it mattered to an author who worked from home, but something else I wasn't expecting happened. I got pregnant. I was told for 6 years by 4 different doctors that I wouldn't ever be able to have kids. I couldn't have been happier--or more nauseous. I got as much work done as I could while I could still look at a computer, but I was sick for the whole 9 months. It was during this time that I also met SnowRidge Press.
2021 came, and I had my son. I was so tired, but so very much in love. It was almost enough for me to ignore the problems starting to happen at home. As I watched my baby boy grow, I also had to deal with addictions, shouting matches, emotional and verbal abuse, and an emotional affair. I got pregnant again and I truly believed that things could get better. However, God knew that I was destined to be a single mother because he called my twins home at only 8 weeks. My husband left me shortly after that.
It wasn't easy, going back home with a baby--having to admit that I couldn't do it. I was running on prayers and stolen naps. The year of 2022 brought with it so much change in only a few short months, as well as the release of both Defender and Betrayer under my pen name C.C. Urie. A lot of good happened, as well as a lot of bad. It wasn't until early 2023 that my divorce went through. Now, I can honestly say that I'm happy. Yes, being a single mom is hard, as is trying to keep my writing career afloat, but with God all things are possible.
I look forward to what He has in store for me and my books. After all, He is the Storyteller...I'm just the hands He's using to type them.